[CentOS] was, Re: This doesn't make sense, is the apache update

Fri Sep 23 20:24:20 UTC 2011
Craig White <craig.white at ttiltd.com>

On Sep 23, 2011, at 12:21 PM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:

> The one thing I don't understand is this: AFAIK, apache release not a
> server update, but an update to the certificate chain, yanking Digitar's
> CA. This isn't a binary compatibility issue, it's, as we said when I was
> programming, just data. Can't that be pushed through, or are there code
> updates in addition?
the Apache update has nothing whatsoever to do with issues presented by the (now defunct) DigiNotar Certificate Authority.

That would be handled by updates to browser applications and/or OS Root Certificate store (ca-certificates) which is significant if you have users on the system but again, this all has nothing to do with security updates released for apache (httpd)
