[CentOS] openvpn + bridge utils in CentOS 6

Tue Sep 27 07:59:39 UTC 2011
Минтаиров Михаил <mikxalich at yandex.ru>

So, something stop packets from remote hosts. May be firewall on remote PC...? and can you run tcpdump on same remote host, to check that it's tap0 device.

27.09.2011, 11:06, "唐建伟" <myhnet at gmail.com>:
> Hi
> the routing table in the remote hosts are OK. "tcpdump -n -i [device name]"
> cannot capture any packages from remote. no mater br0 nor tap0.
> Best Regards
> Tang Jianwei
> On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Минтаиров Михаил <mikxalich at yandex.ru>wrote:
>>  27.09.2011, 09:52, "唐建伟" <myhnet at gmail.com>:
>>>  Hi all,
>>>  I just intalled openvpn + bridge in CentOS 6, but i get strange problems:
>>>  the remote PCs cannot get the local PCs'  MACs and also, the local PCs
>>>  cannot get the remote PCs' MACs
>>>  but when i run "brctl showmacs br0"  it will list all the MACs and also "
>>>  brctl show" will show that all the correct adapters are in br0
>>>  SELinux disabled
>>>  any ideas?
>>  First of all you should check routing table of remote hosts. If  everything
>>  is correct, try to monitor br0, and other devises(ethX) by "tcpdump -n -i
>>  [device name]".
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> Tang Jianwei
> System Administrator
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