[CentOS] Submitting patches from upstream fixes/bugs

Trey Dockendorf

treydock at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 12:59:16 UTC 2011

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 7:32 PM, Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>wrote:

> On 09/14/2011 01:30 AM, Trey Dockendorf wrote:
> > What is the preferred method for submitting patches from upstream
> > projects ?  I have two patches for libvirt-0.8.1.el6_0.6.  One adds ESX
> > 4.1 support to things like virt-v2v
> > (http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2010-July/msg00480.html) and
> > the second fixes the broken "virsh snapshot-create"
> > (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=727709).  All I did really
> > was get them to work with the CentOS 6 version of libvirt.
> For the base distro components these would need to come via RH's code.
> However, if you open issues at bugs.centos.org and offer to maintain the
> patches, they could go into the same components into the CentOSPlus repo.
> - KB
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Based on the bug report for the snapshot-create issue, it seems it's in
libvirt 0.9.0 and that it's something that may be solved completely in
Fedora 16.  Is there a good way to find if a specific patch/fix has been
applied upstream by Red Hat?

What goes into the maintenance of a patch?  I'd be happy to do so, but I
only know enough C to be able to work in patches / changes and track down
compile errors, but not enough to have been the original person that finds
these solutions.

- Trey
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