[CentOS] Mirror hosting ideas

Fri Sep 2 08:10:42 UTC 2011
Christopher Hawker <cwhawker1 at gmail.com>

Hello all,

I am interested in personally hosting a mirror for CentOS 5 and 6 (not
at home, but in a DC, with the future of going colo whe I have the
monetary funds to do so). Would anyone have any recommendations on
this and whether or not I should set the cron  to use the rsync
command or have the rsync command in a batch file and tell cron to
execute the batch job. I am thinking the second option, simply out of
convenience. Unless anyone can see an issue with this. Thanks guys in
advance for your help! :)

If you have any questions, plese do not hesitate to give me a call on
+61 478 241 896.

Christopher Hawker

"That which you are seeking, is causing you to seek. Try looking in
your software collection, between your CentOS ISO images and your Red
Hat Linux Networking tools. It is amazing, the places where things

 - David Williamson, 1972-2011