[CentOS] Timeframe for httpd update (CVE-2011-3192)

Thu Sep 1 12:50:03 UTC 2011
Juergen Gotteswinter <jg at internetx.de>

Am 01.09.11 14:47, schrieb Timo Schoeler:
> thus Always Learning spake:
>> On Thu, 2011-09-01 at 12:29 +0200, Timo Schoeler wrote:
>>> That's exactly what I mean about the 'transparency' aspect. This was a
>>> very very big issue with impact on many many machines. Administrators
>>> sitting there waiting for that update, maybe sleepless because
>>> workarounds didn't do what they were supposed to do.
>>> Regarding that update already being mirrored: No communication here.
>>> That's hilarious.
>> Please remember excellent CENTOS is a FREE product produced by
> First possibility: I don't get your sarcasm.
> Second possibility: You don't remember the discussion about what the
> "community" in CentOS is around the first months of 2011.

how about getting a rhel subscription and stop flaming around here?

just a suggestion...

