[CentOS] linux xfs

Tue Sep 6 10:40:23 UTC 2011
James Pearson <james-p at moving-picture.com>

John Hodrien wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Sep 2011, James Pearson wrote:
>>Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
>>>    RuntimeError: /usr/sbin/mkfs.xfs can not be run
>>CentOS 5 doesn't support XFS in the installer
>>Once you have installed CentOS (with ext3 on the root disk), you can
>>then install the xfsprogs RPM and make XFS file systems on other
> And that's the exact same answer Kaushal was given on #centos earlier in the
> day.  Let's not forget he was wanting an XFS /boot and / (and so using a
> LiveCD was suggested to do the format and partition in advance of the
> installer).  Then there was a desire to do it all within the installer, so it
> was suggested you could just copy mkfs.xfs into the installer and do it by
> hand in the shell.

I use a custom CentOS 5 installer that will create (and install on) XFS 
/boot and / - so it is possible, but does involve patching and 
rebuilding anaconda and then rebuilding the installer images (not a 
straight forward process).

However, I'm not sure there is much to gain by having XFS /boot and / 
file systems

James Pearson