[CentOS] disk duplication question

Fri Sep 9 12:22:25 UTC 2011
Jerry Geis <geisj at pagestation.com>

  I have need to duplicate centos 6 on 133 computers.
I purchased a disk duplicator make my master and the duplicator does 11 
at a time.

All is good so far...

When I take a duplicated disk and stick it in the "new" box which is 
different than the
master machine of course all seems to work except the network.

So of course the MAC address for the NIC doesn't match so the network 
doesn't work.

My solution was to edit ifcfg-eth0 and remove the HDADDR line
and edit udev/70-persistant-net.rules  and remove the MAC address from 
the network

The network does come back on and everything seems fine.

Is this the correct way to do this?
Making a master and being able to stick the duplicated disk in another 

