[CentOS] Yum segmentation fault updating from 5.6 to 5.7

Thu Sep 15 22:11:49 UTC 2011
Josh Miller <joshua at itsecureadmin.com>

On 09/15/2011 02:45 PM, Sebastiano Pilla wrote:
> Craig White wrote:
>> mv /var/cache/yum/base/primary.xml.gz/sqlite /tmp
>> and try again I suppose - yes, that file is supposed to be much larger - I suspect that it will create a new 'copy' of that file if it fails to find it.
> Unfortunately yum recreates the same corrupted file, even if I move it
> out or delete it:

Are you behind a proxy?

I've had issues where a proxy was caching the file and after the repo 
had updated it's version, the cached version was out of date and 
resulted in errors.

The fix was typically to issue a wget with the --no-cache directive to 
request an updated copy or restart the proxy.

   wget --no-cache http://...

Josh Miller
Open Source Solutions Architect