[CentOS] How to build a webserver, centos 6, videos

Thu Sep 29 05:43:39 UTC 2011
Bob Hoffman <bob at bobhoffman.com>

Hello all,

I am going to post videos on a youtube channel showing the steps I am 
taking in putting together a new server.
I am by no means an expert and it is intended for people who just want 
to get a gist of what it entails.

channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/WebserverVideos

The first part is done, getting the server and putting it together. 
Along with my thoughts on the build.
Future parts coming in the next few weeks will include comprehensive 
steps dealing with ipmi, raid 1 arrays, centos 6
as a host, centos 6 as guests...dns servers, webserver guest (mail, 
apache, etc).

and the whole shebang.

I will be doing a video of the installation at the datacenter which 
should be cool for those who have never been
in one to do it.

Comments open, but moderated.
This is just a personal webserver project and will cover the steps I 
take (and why) in building it.

I will be adding a 3550 cisco (as soon as I figure it all out) as a 
switch for my two servers with a full step by step
of updating and configuring it.

Feel free to tell me if you see anything completely wrong...or something 
I might forget.
I'll do my best to make it time effective to watch it and learn.