[CentOS] Running Apache sites as separate users

Fri Sep 30 02:35:23 UTC 2011
Lucian <lucian at lastdot.org>

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 2:22 AM, Trey Dockendorf <treydock at gmail.com> wrote:
> I had a recent request to improve security on my web servers by having each
> website use a different user to run the hosting service.  So
> example1.comhas it's own Apache instance running as apache1 and then
> example2.com has its own instance of Apache as apache2.  Is this even
> possible or realistic?  I understand the idea of how that would be secure,
> much like creating a virtual machine to segregate services.  The only way I
> can think how this is done is to chroot each website.  What makes this
> request even stranger is that each website will be managed by the same CMS
> and code base.  So with that being the case, I don't see how this is
> possible.  Any ideas or insight are very welcome.

Is there a specific requirement to run different http servers? Because
if there is not then you can just use Suexec+fastcgi.
Otherwise, just use Apache to proxy stuff to backend servers (can be
anything from apache to nginx).