[CentOS] High load

Fri Apr 27 11:20:10 UTC 2012
Shaun <centos at stinkfish.org>

On 25/04/2012 07:09, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> Hi
> Is there a way to nail down the issue of high load on a server basically
> trying to understand the reason behind high load at a specific time period.
> I use top command but it does not have history.
> Nagios reports saying "*[04-25-2012 10:11:00] SERVICE ALERT:
> dev;LOAD;WARNING;HARD;3;WARNING - load average: 6.88, 6.36, 5.71"*

When this happens and you get an alert login to the box and take a look.

vmstat, top, iostat, iotop ... all good commands to see what's going on.

Of course if you can't or don't want to login then you can always get
nagios to email you what's currently going on by writing your own custom
plugin via nrpe.