[CentOS] A request from the CentOS Project

Al Sparks

data345 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 20 18:07:39 UTC 2012

> From: "m.roth at 5-cent.us" <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

> To: CentOS mailing list <centos at centos.org>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 7:49 AM
> Subject: Re: [CentOS] A request from the CentOS Project
> Bob Hoffman wrote:
>>  On 4/20/2012 11:12 AM, Tilman Schmidt wrote:
>>>  Am 20.04.2012 16:02, schrieb m.roth at 5-cent.us:
>>>>           mark "why, yes, I *do* remember Kantor&  Siegal, 
> and the
>>>>  aftermath to them"
>>>  Don't get me started. Ah, the good old pre-spam days!
>>  I was not working for a computer company, but I finally got online in 93
>>  through various things like prodigy, aol, compuserv, etc.
>>  I do remember a fateful day when I was in aol, back when it was $4 an
>>  hour and there was a chat room called 'spam'
>>  I thought it was rather odd that a group of people would be discussing
>>  an old monty python skit and jumped in.
>>  After a few minutes it was obvious they were not talking about monty
>>  python.
>>  even then, they were there figuring out how to spam spam spam.
>>  not all of us were lucky enough to be working main frames in the 80s for
>>  the usenet dang it.
> M'frame here. PC's in the mid-eighties, then back to m'frames, pc,
> *finally* got to Unix in '91, which was when I got on the 'Net, late 
> that
> year. My late wife was on a couple years before, and a friend who was at
> UP in the mid-eighties talked about it.
> Usenet is, of course, still alive, though a lot of folks know it as google
> groups....

My first usenet browser was "rn."  I first started posting in the
early 90's from a University account.  I also had access to BITNET
mailing lists, and the name "LISTSERV" might have come from there.
Since BITNET access was limited the discussions there were mostly
   === Al

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