[CentOS] FOUND_THE_ISSUE -- URGENT -- pseudo network interface creating problem with dhcp-- centos 5.5

Fri Apr 13 08:14:37 UTC 2012
sri <bskmohan at gmail.com>

Hi John,

Thanks for the explanation.
I looked at the BIOS and found the following where the pseudo MAC
address is from:
Planar Ether 1 MAC Address: E4:1F:13:77:16:5F   ============> This is
shown in ifconfig eth0
Planar Ether 2 MAC Address: E4:1F:13:77:16:60   ============> This is
shown in ifconfig eth1

BMC MAC Address: E4:1F:13:77:16:61 ======> This is the MAC address my
SW is showing on the SW port connected to my eth0

Slot 1 MAC Address: 00:15:17:EB:AE:A4 ===========> This is shown in
ifconfig eth2

I got some pointers over web on how to disable the BMC so that it
would not use eth0.
But another question in my mind is what is the significance of BMC MAC
address here? (How different is it from the MAC addresses of other
conneted NIC cards and how OS uses it)?
And why not BIOS shows all the NIC devices detected ? (because
"ifconfig -a" shows eth0/eth1/eth2/eth3 for me with eth3 MAC is:
00:15:17:EB:AE:A5. I could not see eth3 MAC address in the above BIOS

Thanks for your time.


On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 1:18 AM, John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com> wrote:
> On 04/11/12 9:36 AM, sri wrote:
>> 4) Have you checked if your motherboard IPMI is not pulling an address
>> during boot?
>> -- Frankly, not sure how to check motherboard IPMI messages. Verified
>> dmesg output. Following is the dmesg output.
>> Please share any way to check motherboard IPMI is pulling another address?
> well, first, does your motherboard *HAVE* an IPMI management module, and
> if so, does it use a  dedicated ethernet port, or is it 'piggybacked' on
> eth0 ?   the behavior shown could be the latter.
> I'd look in the system or motherboard documentation for this...
> depending on the IPMI module, it may have a web or ssh interface, or it
> may require another system contact it via an 'ipmitool' of some sort.
> It probably has an initial user/pass like admin/admin which should be
> reconfigured during system configuration and deployment.
> --
> john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
> santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast
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 Krishna Mohan B