[CentOS] Centos 4 repos help me!

Fri Apr 20 20:06:45 UTC 2012
Bowie Bailey <Bowie_Bailey at BUC.com>

On 4/20/2012 3:57 PM, Gustavo Lacoste wrote:
>  Dear CentOS Community
> Is totally clear there's no support to Centos 4 platform today, but I need
> to install some packages -ideally- from repositories, so I'll be glad if
> someone can provide me still working ones, (obviously non-official).
> If isn't possible I'll move on CentOS5, but (initially) keeping current PHP
> and MySQL versions.
> In both cases, I'll need working CentOS4 repos, hopefully the following
> ones:
> - CentOS Base.repo
> - CentOS-Debuginfo.repo
> - CentOS-Media.repo
> - CentOS-Testing.repo
> - CentOS-Vault.repo
> - mirrors-rpmforge
> - mirrors-rpmforge-extras
> - mirrors-rpmforge-testing
> - openwebmail.repo
> - rpmforge.repo
> Thanks in advance to anyone who can guide me

Take a look at http://vault.centos.org/4.9/

The rpmforge repos have not changed as far as I know.
