[CentOS] Software RAID1 with CentOS-6.2

William Warren

hescominsoon at emmanuelcomputerconsulting.com
Wed Feb 29 11:44:25 UTC 2012

first off..if you are using the on bios raid turn it off.  Secondly 
black drives form WD intentionally put themselves into deep cycle diags 
every so often.  This makes them impossible to use in hardware and FRAID 
setups.  I have 4 of them in raid 10 under mdraid and i had to disable 
bios raid for them to not go nuts.  I still get the occasional error but 
usually the kernel is smart enough to let them take their breather they 
want to take.  unfortunately the only drives that don't do this are 
their "enterprise" drives.  this is the primary reason i have 
discontinued my use of all western digital products.

On 2/28/2012 8:08 PM, Kahlil Hodgson wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> On Tue, 2012-02-28 at 16:48 -0800, Scott Silva wrote:
>> First thing... Are they green drives? Green drives power down randomly and can
>> cause these types of errors...
> These are 'Black' drives.
>> Also, maybe the 6GB sata isn't fully supported
>> by linux and that board... Try the 3 GB channels
> Yer, I was thinking that might be the case.  I'll give that a go.
> Thanks,
> Kal
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