[CentOS] Anyone already tried to backport the latest ASPM kernel patch to 6.2?

Sun Feb 12 22:57:26 UTC 2012
Michael Lampe <lampe at gcsc.uni-frankfurt.de>

After going from CentOS 5.7 to 6.2, a lot of things turned out to be 
much better, but there are also quite some regressions. The most obvious 
one is power consumption on my notebook. It was notably lower before.

The ASPM issue introduced in 2.6.38 was widely reported and discussed, 
and the 6.2 kernel has exacatly this code as a backport.


So I started to experiment with the upstream patch:


To make it apply, one needs to change 'pci_is_pcie(pdev)' into 
'pdev->is_pcie'. One also needs to fiddle a little with the first chunk.

I came up with the patch attached, but unfortunately the new kernel 
showed no improvement. Most probably I got something wrong.

Anyone else here who tried this or is interested in sorting this out?


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