Le 2012-01-04 18:07, m.roth at 5-cent.us a écrit : > Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote: >> On 01/04/2012 02:58 AM, fakessh wrote: >>> Le 2012-01-04 01:48, Ljubomir Ljubojevic a écrit : >>>> On 01/03/2012 10:14 PM, fakessh wrote: >>>>> So I think do a post on the bugtracker of elrepo to ask >>>>> the creation of a new kmod-* > <SNIP> >>> Kernel modules: r8185b >>> >>> Kernel driver in use: is missing > <snip> >>>>> Still I have failed to create the wireless interface >>>>> despite my attempts with the file ifcfg-wlan0 tape provided I >>>>> to try to load ifup the interface without success > <snip> > Have you checked /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistant-net.rules? > > mark I do not know what this file if selinux is disabled -- http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x092164A7 gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 092164A7 http://urlshort.eu fakessh @ http://gplus.to/sshfake http://gplus.to/sshswilting http://gplus.to/john.swilting