[CentOS] ia32-libs for 64 bit CentOS

Tue Jan 17 07:05:30 UTC 2012
Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists at uni-x.org>

Am 17.01.2012 05:56, schrieb Elijah Karari:
> Let me give you the complete picture so that you may undrstand the predicament am in, the Zimbra collab. suite is completely open source, it has a desktop version which is only available as a .i686 package. see it for yourself: 
> http://www.zimbra.com/downloads/zd-downloads.html 
> i installed compat-libstdc++ but it still doesn't work . This is the error message : 
> WARNING: ia32-libs is missing for x86_64 platform. This package is required to run Zimbra Desktop on 64-bit Linux. 
> Please help..... 

Please stop top-posting and full-quoting. Thanks.

ia32-libs is a Debianism![1] There is nothing equal on CentOS. Others
have already pointed out that CentOS is multiarch and that you can
install i?86 packages in parallel to the basic x86_64 arch packages.

If the script you are running is hardcoded to require ia32-libs, then
that install method is not compatible with CentOS. You probably will
have to read the script's code to see whether it fits CentOS.

[1] http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/ia32-libs
