[CentOS] Advice sought: Virtual Win7 on Centos 6.2


lucian at lastdot.org
Sat Jan 7 17:31:18 UTC 2012

2012/1/7 Jorge Fábregas <jorge.fabregas at gmail.com>:
> On 01/07/2012 06:05 AM, Lucian wrote:
>> +1 for KVM/virt-manager/virtio. I need to look further into Spice, but
>> now I use rdesktop which gives me file sharing and sound.
> I'm wondering about the difference between using rdesktop or spice to
> connect to a VM on your local machine (UI responsiveness, copy/paste
> functionality etc).
> p.d. I haven't used KVM yet on my machine as I don't have the virt
> extensions on my CPU but I'm looking forward to it once I replace my box.


Right now, at least with Windows vms, rdesktop is a way better way of
accessing the vm - it's fast, it let's you share directories,
clipboard sharing, sound etc. Spice will probably catch up with it
fast though, I hope. Also I have noticed spice works better when there
is additional software installed (sort of like vbox additions); in
Centox you have spice-vdagent or something like that, but for Windows
you need to build the driver yourself[1].
But we need to keep in mind that rdesktop and spice are not really in
the same category. With spice you access the host machine, while with
rdesktop you access the virtual machine directly. Spice wants to
compete with vmware view and citrix xendesktop.

[1] - http://spice-space.org/page/WinQXL

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