Hi all my environment: 1/ windows 7 OS system 2/ use virtual box install the host centos system i try to make a centos livecd and i follow the step 1/ create file: vi /etc/yum.repos.d/centos-livecd.repo and the content of file: # Name: CentOS LiveCD repository [livecd] name = CentOS $releasever - LiveCD baseurl = http://www.nanotechnologies.qc.ca/propos/linux/centos-live/$basearch/live enabled=1 protect=0 gpgkey = http://www.nanotechnologies.qc.ca/propos/linux/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGuay2010 2/ yum install livecd-tools syslinux anaconda-runtime 3/ create file alochym.ks and content of file: lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us timezone US/Eastern auth --useshadow --enablemd5 selinux --enforcing firewall --disabled repo --name=a-base --baseurl=http://mirror-fpt-telecom.fpt.net/centos/5/os/$basearch repo --name=a-updates --baseurl=http://mirror-fpt-telecom.fpt.net/centos/5/updates/$basearch repo --name=a-extras --baseurl=http://mirror-fpt-telecom.fpt.net/centos/5/extras/$basearch repo --name=a-live --baseurl=http://www.nanotechnologies.qc.ca/propos/linux/centos-live/$basearch/live %packages bash kernel syslinux passwd policycoreutils chkconfig authconfig rootfiles comps-extras xkeyboard-config openssh 4/ run command : LANG=C livecd-creator --config=/mnt/alochym.ks --fslabel=CentOS-mini 5/ download the file CentOS-mini.iso to windows 7 6/ use virtual box create new virtual machine with CentOS-mini.iso as cdrom the log of create livecd : http://pastebin.com/Z5BFASXa the problem is when i use the CentOS-mini.iso with new virtual machine and the virtual manchine hang when automatic boot to 0 second can somebody help me Thank you