[CentOS] libre office

Wed Jul 11 12:29:58 UTC 2012
Fernando Cassia <fcassia at gmail.com>

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 9:06 AM, Steve Clark <sclark at netwolves.com> wrote:
> I think it is more the fact the Oracle seems to be two faced in their
> dealings with foss as
> opposed to IBM.

Since the Sun acquisition, and despite the LO-OpenOffice spat (which
btw the 'community' forkers destroyed the future of the former Sun
StarOffice, in the name of freedom, of course), most of the former Sun
FOSS projects -at least the mainstream ones- have been doing well:
Virtualbox, GPL Java SE (OpenJDK), NetBeans, Glassfish J2EE server,
MySQL, even while Oracle had other proprietary products in its arsenal
that would overlap (ie JDeveloper freeware overlaped with NetBeans,
yet Oracle continued with Netbeans development nevertheless, with v7.2
just released and extended for better PHP/C++ support).

Having said that, I wouldn't touch Oracle's propietary offerings even
with the proverbial 20ft pole -mostly because I cannot afford any and
there are worthy alternatives which are totally free- but Sun's FOSS
projects I care about are alive and doing well (even OO under

I recorded some of the doom and gloom predictions (ie "MySQL will
die") vs the reality on a news story last year

After that they even complied with their promise of starting to open
source JavaFX 2.0

OK, now let's concentrate on CentOS... :)

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
- George Orwell