[CentOS] 6.3: service not starting?

Wed Jul 18 17:04:58 UTC 2012
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Trevor Cooper wrote:
> On 07/17/2012 11:42 AM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>> Patrick Lists wrote:
>>> On 17-07-12 19:38, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>>>> Before I roll it out to users for their workstations, I updated my own
>>>> system to 6.3, just did an update a few minutes ago, then rebooted.
>>>> Came up... but when I went to use my PIV card for credentials to certain
>>>> other machines, it didn't read the card. I found that pcscd was not
>>>> running - when I did a service restart, it said "failed" on shutdown,
>>>> then ok on startup. chkconfig --list tells me it's supposed to be on.
>>>> Now, I'm pretty sure I saw this behavior with motion on a server I did
>>>> a week or so ago, also: same thing, chkconfig says it should be on, but
>>>> it was never turned up. This is a reboot after update, not a new
>>>> and selinux is permissive in both cases.
>>>> Has anyone else seen this, with optional services?

>>> There was also an issue with PostgreSQL not starting after installing
>>> the latest updates. The culprit seems to be the sudo update:
>>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=818585
>>> So try this first:
>>> # restorecon /etc/nsswitch.conf
>>> Then try to start the pcscd service again to see if that fixes it.
> Permissive mode or not this update also broke NFS automount of home
> directories on our 5.8 systems. The restorecon fix works for this
> purpose for us.

It broke it IN PERMISSIVE MODE?! <jaw drops>

selinux *bug* (but I repeat myself <g>)

Ok, I just looked at one of my user's workstations; his did the same, and
he's got selinux disabled. Dunno if it's reasonable to do an ll -Z in that
case, but it shows me everything has a context of ?
Still digging.
