[CentOS] Oracle UEK kernel on CentOS

Wed Jul 18 21:16:02 UTC 2012
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Chris wrote:
> Hello CentOS Guys,
> What do you think about the Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel?
> Since Release 2 of the UEK Kernel, all updates are available free of
> charge > http://public-yum.oracle.com/
> My questions:
> Does the Oracle UEK kernel really perform better than the default centos
> kernel? Technical advantages and disadvantages?
> Would you use the Oracle UEK Kernel on centos?

Do you understand what OUL is, a modified version of RHEL? And no, I have
grave doubts you could use that kernel with the standard repositories for
CentOS: I'd give you a 95% confidence that trying to update most things
would give you tons of unsatisfied dependencies.

        mark "and I wouldn't support Larry Ellison if I have any options"