[CentOS] Oracle tries to capture CentOS users

Fri Jul 20 15:48:20 UTC 2012
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Fernando Cassia wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:12 PM,  <m.roth at 5-cent.us> wrote:
>> No, you should pay us, says Larry, I need to keep my yacht and fighter
>> jet taken care of....
> Once again, the problem seems to be hatred of Ellison more than anything
> else.

Have you seen any of my other posts, where I describe Sun/Oracle's utterly
abysmal and unacceptable support? Perhaps you might, and then you might
understand why I, personally, dislike Oracle. They've also always been the
high-priced spread. I've never been involved with the contracts, so I
simply don't know: perhaps someone here can tell us the difference between
the costs of the 3? 4? SLA contracts from RH and Oracle? I'll wager
Oracle's is comparable or higher.
> Red Hat and CentOS based on it are #1, it´s only natural that smaller
> players want a piece of the pie.

In the US: at least five years ago, SuSE was the bigger share in Europe.
> This is different from Novell trying to lure RHEL users exactly how?
> http://news.techworld.com/operating-systems/106971/novell-looks-to-lure-red-hat-users/

RH, not free distros.

Just one last question: if you think this highly of OUL, why are you here?
Why haven't you gone to their lists?

       mark "not imputing someone being a marketing troll"