[CentOS] Oracle tries to capture CentOS users

Tue Jul 24 19:18:06 UTC 2012
Gé Weijers <ge at weijers.org>

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Fernando Cassia <fcassia at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sun JDS Linux was damn good (included Java and StarOffice preloaded,
> and a cool Gnome theme).
> I used (purchased!) both JDS Linux 2003 and JDS Linux R2.
> JDS Linux R3 was in beta by the time the Solaris militia won the
> internal battle / turf war and JDS Linux was canceled.

A lack of paying customers had something to do with that too :-(
I remember debugging bootstrap loader issues on JDS.

Disclosure: I worked for Sun from 2000-2005, mostly on Linux-related
stuff, e.g. http://sosc-dr.sun.com/blueprints/1103/817-4403.pdf
It was a great company to work for while it lasted.
