> > > Hello Carlos, > > When named is running: > > - Is port 53 listening? > - Can you telnet into that port from another server? > - Can you lookup (dig) your own domain or a remote domain from the server? > - Were either xinetd or iptables updated or changed? > > > W. > _______________________________________________ > CentOS mailing list > CentOS at centos.org > http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos > Hi Winter, I really appreciate your answer. Yes, port 53 is listening on configuration and with netstat -atpn | grep -E ":953|:53" it shows named. Yes I can telnet from another server the port 53 Well, this is what I get from dig ; <<>> DiG 9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.10.rc1.el6_3.1 <<>> -x domain.com ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 32863 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;icom.domain.in-addr.arpa. IN PTR ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: in-addr.arpa. 1800 IN SOA b.in-addr-servers.arpa. nstld.iana.org. 2011026079 1800 900 604800 3600 ;; Query time: 51 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Wed Jul 25 02:28:44 2012 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 121 Iptables is deactivated and I have made: chkconfig iptables off and restarted to see if it works, and produces the same. -- Carlos Sura.- www.carlossura.com