[CentOS] kmod-nvidia?

Ned Slider

ned at unixmail.co.uk
Fri Jul 20 20:07:42 UTC 2012

On 20/07/12 20:34, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Ned Slider wrote:
>> Please post the output from:
>> cat /etc/yum.repos.d/elrepo.repo
>> and
>> yum list \*kmod-nvidia\*
>> thanks.
> Y'know, I appreciate any and all help, but I'm beginning to feel those
> trying to help haven't actually *read* my previous posts. Jay suggested I
> do a yum clean all, when I already said I'd done that; Ned's asking for
> what the repo looks like, when I posted the top bit and said the rest of
> the entries were the same....

Your attitude doesn't make it easy for folks to help you. So far you 
haven't actually provided any information that might be useful in 
determining the issue.

> Repeating my original post:
> ### Name: ELRepo.org Community Enterprise Linux Repository for el6
> ### URL: http://elrepo.org/
> [elrepo]
> name=ELRepo.org Community Enterprise Linux Repository - el6
> baseurl=http://elrepo.org/linux/elrepo/el6/$basearch/
> mirrorlist=http://elrepo.org/mirrors-elrepo.el6
> enabled=0
> gpgcheck=1
> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org
> protect=0
> includepkgs=kmod-nvidia

and here we see you have made modifications to the config file. I know, 
because I wrote the config file.

> and the entries for elrepo-testing, elrepo-kernel, and elrepo-extras are
> the same.

and perhaps it would have been better to simply provide what was asked 
for rather than making yet more assumptions.

>> PS - This query would really be better placed on the elrepo users
>> mailing lists rather than the general CentOS mailing lists.
> But the real question not about elrepo, which clearly *has* kmod-nvidia,
> but why yum can't find the repo, and that is on target for this list.

The real question is why the elrepo repository is not working as 
intended for you. TBH I'm past caring as I have better things to do than 
have you waste my time when I try to help. Please don't bother 
subscribing to elrepo mailing lists.


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