[CentOS] kmod-nvidia?

m.roth at 5-cent.us

m.roth at 5-cent.us
Mon Jul 30 13:45:59 UTC 2012

Johnny Hughes wrote:
> On 07/20/2012 02:34 PM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>> Ned Slider wrote:
>>> On 20/07/12 16:55, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>>>> Jay Leafey wrote:
>>>>> On 07/20/2012 10:32 AM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>>>>>> Now that he's up, which was my highest priority, I'm back to looking
>>>>>> around. I did a yum clean all, then yum --enablerepo=elrepo list
>>>>             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>>> \*nvidia\*, and see
>>>>>>    * elrepo: mirror.symnds.com
>>>>>> so this was what the mirrorlist came up with. That there's something
>>>>>> screwy there.
>>>>>> So I just pointed my browser there, and found elrepo there under
>>>>>> distributions/elrepo. Anyone got any ideas why it finds that it's
>>>>>> there, but yum doesn't see the actual repo (and yes, the
>>>>>> kmod-nvidia packages are there)?
>>>> <snip>
>>>>> Just a thought, have you tried flushing yum's metadata?  I have run
>>>>> across a couple of instances where yum seems to get a bit...
>>>>> retentive
>>>>> and won't retrieve new metadata for one or more repositories.  I
>>>>> usually
>>>>> run "yum clean metadata" or "yum clean all", then re-try the
>>>>> operation.
>>>>>    Unless it is something *I* have boogered badly it usually works.
>>>> See emphasized line, above, from previous email. ^^^^^^^^
>>> Please post the output from:
>>> cat /etc/yum.repos.d/elrepo.repo
>>> and
>>> yum list \*kmod-nvidia\*
>>> thanks.
>> Y'know, I appreciate any and all help, but I'm beginning to feel those
>> trying to help haven't actually *read* my previous posts. Jay suggested
>> I
>> do a yum clean all, when I already said I'd done that; Ned's asking for
>> what the repo looks like, when I posted the top bit and said the rest of
>> the entries were the same....
>> Repeating my original post:
>> ### Name: ELRepo.org Community Enterprise Linux Repository for el6
>> ### URL: http://elrepo.org/
>> [elrepo]
>> name=ELRepo.org Community Enterprise Linux Repository - el6
>> baseurl=http://elrepo.org/linux/elrepo/el6/$basearch/
>> mirrorlist=http://elrepo.org/mirrors-elrepo.el6
>> enabled=0
>> gpgcheck=1
>> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org
>> protect=0
>> includepkgs=kmod-nvidia
>> and the entries for elrepo-testing, elrepo-kernel, and elrepo-extras are
>> the same.
>>> PS - This query would really be better placed on the elrepo users
>>> mailing lists rather than the general CentOS mailing lists.
>> But the real question not about elrepo, which clearly *has* kmod-nvidia,
>> but why yum can't find the repo, and that is on target for this list.
> The problem is that you do not ONLY need kmod-nvidia ... you also need
> "nvidia-x11-drv" from elrepo ... however, you only have
> "includepkgs=kmod-nvidia" in your config, so the requirements of
> "nvidia-x11-drv" can not be met.  If you add "nvidia-x11-drv" to your
> includepkgs line, it should work fine.

Hey, Johnny, catching up on last week? I'd added that, then it *seemed* to
be the case that if I had two separate lines of includepkgs, it only saw
one. As soon as I had both on one line, it saw them.

Unfortunately, there's something odd between my user's machine and CentOS
and kmod-nvidia - he started getting weird messages he'd never seen
before, so I had to uninstall it (after all that work), and go back to
building using the proprietary installer.


        mark "at least there's only two machines I have to deal with
                like that"

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