[CentOS] OT - Is there a package to monitor network traffic

Fri Jun 15 10:43:38 UTC 2012
Giles Coochey <giles at coochey.net>

On 14/06/2012 18:07, Steve Campbell wrote:
> We have a situation here that is a real mystery.
> Our MRTG on our outgoing router  and a firewall server that protects our
> web servers is showing a spike every six hours. I can't find the server
> behind the firewall that is generating such an extreme amount of
> packets, even though I've looked through the crontabs of nearly all
> servers, performed "ps" variations, and other types of investigation.
> Is there any type of package I can install that will monitor traffic and
> report abnormal, over-threshold packets similar to what wireshark might
> do in a manner that would allow me to determine where these packets
> might be going or from where they originate?
> tp://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos
I used to quite like iptraf for a quick summary view of the traffic use. 
Don't know if there is a CentOS package for it.


Giles Coochey, CCNA, CCNAS
NetSecSpec Ltd
+44 (0) 7983 877438
giles at coochey.net