[CentOS] Strange su behavior after installing latest CentOS updates

Fri Jun 15 18:52:04 UTC 2012
Leonard den Ottolander <leonard at den.ottolander.nl>

Hello ALfred,

On Fri, 2012-06-15 at 13:14 -0400, Alfred von Campe wrote:
> I did a "yum update" on my CentOS 6 systems yesterday for the first time
> in about a month and now have some automated processes failing because
> the PATH is not set up correctly when using "su".

Thanks for the heads up, but you should really take issues like this
upstream. There's nothing the CentOS can or at least will do as they
rebuild upstream ad verbatim. Try the RHEL 6 mailing list:


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research