[CentOS] Python version fights.

Sun Jun 24 21:21:15 UTC 2012
Gene Heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com>

On Sunday 24 June 2012 16:48:31 Leonard den Ottolander did opine:

> Hello Gene,
> On Sun, 2012-06-24 at 12:55 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > There are no surviving el5 packages on the system, including in the
> > .repo files of yum.repos.d
> >
> > But if I fire up yumex, well over half the files presented say they
> > are el5 coming from rpmfusion,
> Those two statements seem contradictory. Did you actually query those
> packages to establish their origin?
> So you tell us you only have el6 repos enabled. Perhaps someone
> installed the offending packages manually or accidentally used the wrong
> repo before? Get rid of the offending ones and reinstall using the
> correct repo.

That 'someone' would likely be me, and no I didn't qi each package because 
there are no *.el-5* packages now installed.  These are the packages it is 
showing me that I _could_ install, and nearly every blessed one of them has 
a dependency on python-2.4.  Why yumex is even showing me el5 files is a 
puzzle I'm apparently not equipt to sort, it may as well be a basket of 
rattlesnakes.  You could probably say I'm getting too old for this at 77, 
but I'm a retired broadcast CE, one who quit school at 14 and went out to 
fix these newfangled things called tv's in the later '40's, and have had a 
scope probe or four and a hot soldering iron handy ever since.  Generally, 
electronics holds no puzzles for me, and I've had a C.E.T. since '72, and a 
1st phone since '61.

I see what someone meant when they said centos was a stripped mostly server 
distro.  Trying to nail kde and a working audio system to it reminds me of 
trying to nail jelly to a tree, everything you try to install winds up 
splattered on the floor.

So I've saved off my email corpus, and just burned a ubuntu-10.04-linuxcnc 
install cd, so by this time tomorrow I should have the same distro on all 4 
machines here.  Opencascade-libs, which supports all the cad design proggys 
like freecad, heekscad/cnc, openscam and a few others seem to be only built 
in .debs, so while I don't exactly love how ubuntu handles networking or 
its gui, once you get it configured, it Just Works(TM), including nfs 
shares, something I had a heck of a time making work on pclos. With the 
same config files installed here on centos6, nfs is dead, no hits, no runs 
& no errors logged.

> Regards,
> Leonard.

Thanks for the reply Leonard, but I don't think centos and I will be able 
to be friends when yum is so easily confused.  With synaptic, I might give 
it another week just in case I could sort this out.  Synaptic for instance, 
when it encounters a dependency, looks it up and says 'you need these 
packages to resolve dependencies', shows you a list and asks if its ok to 
add them to the install list.  Yum just reports the failure and does a 
segfault like exit, exactly as it was doing when I bailed out on fedora at 
about F-8, several years ago now.

Cheers Leonard, Gene
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