[CentOS] Is there a way to _remove_ dependencies from an RPM built from source?

Fri Mar 2 13:28:24 UTC 2012
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 02/26/2012 12:45 PM, Michael Lampe wrote:
> I'm building my own openmpi packages derived from upstream SRPMs.
> Problem: The ones built with Intel's compiler can only be installed by 
> force, because Intel doesn't register their provided libs with rpm.
> Any idea how this can be done?
> (Alternative ideas are appreciated as well -- as long as they don't read 
> as: make Intel fix this.)

OK.  So the problem is that you have libs on your machine that are not
registered in the RPM database.

If those libs were registered then you are saying that this would solve
your problem?

If so, then all you need to do is to put the info into the database. 
The problem here is with the shared libraries being on your machine and
not in the RPM database.  That is the issue you need to solve, or you
will have to deal with it on each and every other thing you build. 

How were the Intel shared libs installed on your machine?  (Via an RPM
or via a manual "configure/make/make install").  If the files were
installed via a make install and not an RPM, the fix is to install them
via an RPM or to create entries for them in the database.

I see that there are RPM files for the intel compiler ... do these not
register in the database?

If you know the names of all the files, you can create an RPM that has
all those files and install it with an  "rpm -Uvh --justdb
<rpm-filename>" to not touch the filesystem but to update those files
into the rpm database.

Or, you could actually create a proper RPM for the Intel files and
install them via the RPM.

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