[CentOS] CentOS 5.8 Critical Samba Update

Mon Mar 5 10:12:01 UTC 2012
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 03/05/2012 03:25 AM, Maxim Shpakov wrote:
> There is no 2.6.18-308 kernel there (
> 2012/3/5 John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>:
>> On 03/05/12 12:57 AM, Maxim Shpakov wrote:
>>> Hello, what about Centos 5.8 release?
>>> I need kernel release from it. Can I download it from CR ?
>> yum update kernel

I am populating the CentOS mirrors with the 5.8 release at this time.

We are very close to releasing 5.8, just doing some extended testing,
which I fully expect it to pass based on the fixes rolled in.

I expect that CentOS-5.8 will be released to the external mirrors in
less than 24 hours and released to the 24-48 hours after that.

We did not release the RPMs to CR because we do not expect any delays,
and are indeed releasing within 2 weeks of the upstream release.  (If we
were not going to be able to get the release done in 2 weeks due to
complications, then we would instead release the CR repo with the items
that were working.)

So, look for 5.8 to be released in the next 24-72 hours.

Johnny Hughes

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