[CentOS] postfix and spam, I am impressed

Mon Mar 12 23:07:08 UTC 2012
Bob Hoffman <bob at bobhoffman.com>

on/Mon Mar 12 18:39:23 EDT 2012
Jure Pecar wrote
/On Mon, 12 Mar 2012 17:12:13 -0400
/Bob Hoffman<bob at bobhoffman.com  <http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos>>  wrote:

/>/  On my centos 5 server I just used sendmail with spamassassin and it
//>/  killed a lot. Still, 100s, sometimes more made it through. Then
//>/  thunderbird would weed out more, learned as it went...
//>/  Still, had an inbox with a lot of junk.
/Maybe you should read somehttp://www.acme.com/mail_filtering/  ... altough
/from 2005, one of the best sendmail writeups I'm aware of.

/>/  Now I have set up a centos 6 box using postfix. Today I decided to try
//>/  to add smtpd restrictions. After a lot of reading and testing I 'seem'
///  to be doing incredible.
/I've switched to postfix back in 2001 and yes, it is amazing. Now that
/you're free of spam, you can dive into policyd and various content
/filtering schemes available. It's amazing how far email has come, yet it's
/even more amazing that none of the major linux distros have everything in
/one place, well integrated and polished and we poor sysadmins still have to
/stich solutions together ... heck, I still have to patch sasl for it to
/auth against crypted passwords ... maybe I should stop before I start
/ranting ;)

yea, it would only accept normal passwords, but I figured since it
was using tls/ssl that the whole shebang was encypted anyway so
it should be fine, right?

Also, still getting spam of course, nut a smidgeon compared to before.
I would say 99.9% is being tagged by spam assassin as [spam].
Still afraid of false positives so gonna watch for a while with spamassassin
before I dev null them buggers.