Tue Mar 27 09:07:16 UTC 2012
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 03/27/2012 03:47 AM, arun kumar wrote:
> sorry for not mentioning before that iam new to linux
> i have full access to internet, this is an educational institution, every
> one have there seperate username and pasword for login...
> so i used the my username and password in the yum.conf file..
> i tried from GUI also like
> system->Administration-> software update                 ,then i got the
> folowing warning and error
> Software Update Viewer is running as a privileged user
> Package management applications are security sensitive.
> Running graphical applications as a privileged user should be avoided for
> security reasons.
> problem connecting to software source
> i also tried
> system->Administration->Add/Remove software
> iam not understanding what else to try


If you do not have the Environment variable set for http_proxy, then
curl will not work.  This seems like your problem to me.

To see if you have http_proxy set as an environment variable, use this

env | grep -i http_proxy

You need to check the above variable for both your "root user" and your
"local user" (local user's variables would be used if you are running
yum with sudo or su root ... root user would be used if you did "su -
root" or logged in directly as root.

If the result is in caps, like this:


Then curl might have an issue, so also add it in lower case like this:


So, If you do not have a lower case "http_proxy=", then you would set it
in your root's ".bash_profile" file and your local user's
".bash_profile" file.  This is the line you would add to both users

export http_proxy="http://my_username:mypassword@"

After making the change, log out and back in to have the variables take
effect and then check them again with the grep command above ...

Once you have the correct lower case variable set for "http_proxy=" for
both your normal local user and for root, you should be able to use yum
and curl.

>> If the proxy server requires a username and password, add these to the
>> URL. To include the username |yum-user| and the password |qwerty|, add
>> these settings:
>> |# The Web proxy server, with the username and password for this account
>> http_proxy="http://yum-user:qwerty@mycache.mydomain.com:3128"
>> export http_proxy|
>> *Example 5. Profile Settings for a Secured Proxy Server*
>> [Note]        The |http_proxy| Environment Variable
>> The |http_proxy| environment variable is also used by |curl| and other
>> utilities. Although |yum| itself may use |http_proxy| in either
>> upper-case or lower-case, |curl| requires the name of the variable to be
>> in lower-case.

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