[CentOS] kernel autoconfigure ?

Tue Mar 27 18:18:25 UTC 2012
Akemi Yagi <amyagi at gmail.com>

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 2:48 AM, admin lewis <adminlewis at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2012/3/27 Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>:
>> On 03/26/2012 04:45 PM, admin lewis wrote:
>>> Anyone know if there is a kernel autoconfigure tool to compile from source ?
>>> thanks
>>> luigi
>> What are you trying to accomplish.

> Simply I want enable grsecurity. I downloaded vanilla kernel and
> grsecurity patch but I dont want reconfigure every kernel options..
> because it's too long read and understand every feature of the kernel.
> Also I want disable all modules I dont need. Finally I dont want
> initrd.

If your goal is to build a vanilla kernel that runs on CentOS, look at
kernel-ml as suggested by Phil:


Yes, someone (Alan Bartlett) did the heavy lifting to elaborate the
config file for both el5 and el6. You should be able to modify it to
accommodate your needs fairly easily.
