Hi, Excuse my poor explication. This is my scenario, now i have some tasks that i make semi-manual that i want to automate, basically i have some package sources (spec, patches and in some cases additional files), this packages are fetched from SCM and converted to SRPMs, to build later with mock, but i need to build these packages in order with some staging process, so there are some inter-package dependeces, this is the part that i make semi-automatic. The problem arrises, when some of these spec support diferent archs os distributions, some of then have macros that include / exclude certain build requisites (also run-time requisites), so a grep of spec give me all requires (some of then are inside a 'if' that evaluates false), it's a roundabout; from my part, but i'm triing to solve this. Basically that i want is the spec file as rpmbuild interpret it, i try to find somethink but i can't figure a tool to get this info (also some other info of the spec that is conditional based on rpm macros), now i'm surfing the rpm API and i think that i'm near the solution. Regards.