Prabhpal S. Mavi prabhpal at digital-infotech.net
Tue Mar 27 07:59:42 UTC 2012

Hi, although it is not a O/S level problem. Your server just cannot get to
Internet, just check why. Too many possibilities are there, bad user name
or password wrong port number, system wide proxy variable configured, your
ip is in squid deny list.

Thanks : Regards

> On 03/27/2012 02:10 AM, arun kumar wrote:
>> yes i configured the yum.conf
>> proxy=
>> proxy_username=my_username
>> proxy_password=my_password
>>  but still the same problem
>> here a squid proxy server is present so for initernet connection also i
>> need to give my_username and my_password.....
>> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 11:42 AM, John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 03/26/12 11:05 PM, arun kumar wrote:
>>>> I have centos 6.0 in my system and i want to update packages, so i
>>>> tried
>>>> the yum commands for checking and installing updates, but my proxy is
>>>> objecting and i got the following error
>>>> Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit
>>>> Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
>>>> Could not retrieve mirrorlist
>>>> http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=6&arch=i386&repo=os  error was
>>>> 14: PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 407"
>>>> Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base
>>>> i tried with the software update GUI in centos 6.0 but still the same
>>> proxy
>>>> problem....can any one please suggest how to overcome this problem and
>>>> install updates for packages.
>>> what is this "proxy"?  other than your use of the phrase 'proxy' a
>>> couple times, I see no sign of a proxy there.
>>> If your internet connection is such that you have to go through an
>>> explicit http proxy, have you configured it in /etc/yum.conf as
>>> follows?
>>> http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/yum/sn-yum-proxy-server.html
>>> --
>>> john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
>>> santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast
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> If the proxy server requires a username and password, add these to the
> URL. To include the username |yum-user| and the password |qwerty|, add
> these settings:
> |# The Web proxy server, with the username and password for this account
> http_proxy="http://yum-user:qwerty@mycache.mydomain.com:3128"
> export http_proxy|
> *Example 5. Profile Settings for a Secured Proxy Server*
> [Note] 	The |http_proxy| Environment Variable
> The |http_proxy| environment variable is also used by |curl| and other
> utilities. Although |yum| itself may use |http_proxy| in either
> upper-case or lower-case, |curl| requires the name of the variable to be
> in lower-case.
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> CentOS mailing list
> CentOS at centos.org
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Thanks / Regards
Prabhpal S. Mavi
Email: prabhpal at digital-infotech.net
Sent Through .Net Domain From iPhone

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