[CentOS] Cloud on CentOS Server

Wed Mar 7 18:20:42 UTC 2012
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 03/07/12 10:06 AM, John Hinton wrote:
> I'm looking into adding a cloud to one of my servers.

what does "a cloud" mean in this context ?

to me, a cloud is a set of homogenous servers running distributed 
applications.   classic cloud is google.    the term has been degraded 
to also refer to a stack of servers running a virtualization platform 
such that the individual VMs don't care what hardware they are assigned 
to, classic example of a VM cloud is Amazon AWS.

I don't understand how ANYTHING you do on a single server could be 
called 'cloudy'.

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast