Dear Friends Greetings, i am CentOS User for some years now, have installed and configured squirrelmail number of times without issues. but this time it is on CentOS 6.2 x64 - i see very ugly login interface. of squirrelmail, i wish to mention that the package was installed from epelrepo becuse it is not available on centos or rpmforge repo either. i can login also, after login this is how i see the inside interface. id anyone has come across the same? any solution? here is what i see on squirrelmail login page: bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><><> SquirrelMail Logo SquirrelMail version 1.4.22-2.el6 By the SquirrelMail Project Team < bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" width="350"><>< bgcolor="#dcdcdc">SquirrelMail Login <>< bgcolor="#ffffff"> < bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" width="100%"><>< width="30%">Name: < width="70%"> <>< width="30%">Password: < width="70%"> <><> Thanks / Regards Prabhpal S. Mavi Email: prabhpal at