[CentOS] hack / spam/ probe /attack

Thu May 3 17:47:13 UTC 2012
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

bob wrote:
> so last night all my servers were severely probed and they tried to
> violate me (lol)
You can use fail2ban as a condom.... <g>

> the attack was so egregious I decided to contact the isp for that ip.
> Telepacific.
> The ip has some google searches that point to a few spam and a few
> attacks...So i assume a compromised server.
> So I sent them the info and said it must be a hacked server (the ip is
> on their business network)

Is this to their abuse?
> they responded  ' you are not  a customer and we cannot by law discuss a
>  with you' They wanted me to contact my datacenter so they could look
into it.
> I responded and told them the info again and they basically said it is
> up to my isp or datacenter to deal with it and to basically 'go away'
A suggestion: ask for their legal service address. And this may sound
weird, but you might call the FBI.... I mean, they were originally going
heavily after wire fraud, and that's what this is, along with all the