[CentOS] mysqldump file fails to load

Rob Kampen

rkampen at reaching-clients.com
Wed Nov 28 09:58:35 UTC 2012

On 11/28/2012 10:40 PM, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> 1. as John notes, this is off-topic
> 2. did you notice that you give *no* information about the problem? (no,
> "failure to load" is not a problem description.)
Certainly aware it is off topic, however this list has many participants 
that have extensive experience in the area I'm inquiring about.
My questions relate to general issues, not a specific fix, however there 
have already been two replies that relate to similar results and 
possible causes.
As mentioned in my post, I am not the one doing the load - it is another 
admin, and he assures me there is no message, it simply aborts.
At this time I have no access other than FTP to load php scripts for the 
I have loaded the problem .sql file into two different CentOS machines, 
one 5.8 and the other 6.3 and have no issues, thus the items mentioned 
in the two other posts give me things to ask the other admin about.

Many thanks for the suggestions.
> Kai
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