fred smith wrote: > This just started happening this evening. > > a little history: > way back last year, or thereabouts, I posted about a weird problem I was > having. over the course of 2 or 3 days I figured out how to fix it, but > not what the cause was. the fix amounts to navigating to my user's > .local/share/mime directory and removing the file named "globs". > > So, back in the present: this evening that same problem recurred for > the 3rd or 4th time since the original event mentioned above. so I > deleted that file, logged off and back on (without the log off/on, the > problem still occurs). > > Having done that, I went to fire up firefox and KABOOM!! > X dies and I land back at a login prompt. > several times. > every time. > tried running firefox from a terminal but I don't see anything > echoed to the terminal before it is blown away. > > I still have the tarball from, so I moved aside the directory > where the firefox runtime stuff is, re-extracted the tarball and it still > croaks in the same way. > > I'd appreciate some ideas to try, if anyone has any. Thanks in advance! Are there any backtraces/errors in /var/log/Xorg.*.log* or /var/log/gdm/* ? James Pearson