[CentOS] CentOS 6 - Does EFI have an impact beyond the boot sequence?
Gordon Messmer
yinyang at eburg.comMon Oct 15 16:42:08 UTC 2012
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On 10/15/2012 03:21 AM, Nux! wrote: > Why outdated? I just wrote it! :-)) I've tested those directions on a new Thinkpad (T430s) after finding them posted in many places and found no measurable power use difference. Using powertop, however, does produce significant improvements. The most important thing to know about powertop is that it does not make permanent changes. If you get good improvements from powertop, save the HTML report from the program. The HTML report will have a table containing commands that enact the changes that powertop suggests. You can Ctrl+click and drag to select those cells (at least in Firefox) and paste them into a shell script that you can run on boot.
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