[CentOS] Multimedia Workstation using Centos 6.3


nux at li.nux.ro
Mon Oct 15 21:11:39 UTC 2012

On 15.10.2012 18:56, Lamar Owen wrote:
> IMO, ideal
> would be something akin to the Fedora 'Jam' spin, but backported to 
> EL6.
> I've run PlanetCCRMA stuff before, and Fernando does a great job, but
> they're
> not EL6 as yet.  It may be that the Fedora *12* or *13* CCRMA 
> packages (and
> there are things only CCRMA packages) will install cleanly; or 
> perhaps the
> source RPM might rebuild cleanly enough to work on EL6.
> The biggest issue with an EL6 for multimedia is simply keeping up 
> with the
> dependencies, since many of the really good multimedia tools have 
> really
> specific requirements (look at Ardour3 for something of that nature)
> that may
> be too new to build easily on EL6.
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I have a lot of multimedia stuff in my repo 
http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/ and I'm willing to put some effort 
into backporting from Fedora or create new packages with a multimedia 
focus, time and other resources permit.
Btw, Ardour3 seems doable.
If you can come up with a proper list of what's missing, I can look 
into it.

Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


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