Jerry Geis wrote: > I am trying to create a CF card that boots 686 CentOS 6.3 > On boot I get a message about /dev/disk/by-label/\x2f where \x2f is "/" > cannot be found. > > Adding rdshell to the boot line and booting up sure enough > the /dev/disk directory does not exist. > > What "creates" that early on in the boot process? > > My CF card was changed from UUID to LABEL. So I edited grub.conf and make > root=LABEL=/ > like the OLD 5.X days. > Clearly I have missed something else when swithing back to a LABEL method. > I want to use LABEL because I want to duplicate cards. If you load the card into something else, and look at the label (e2label ...), is the card partition labelled? mark