[CentOS] ClamAV Problem

Mon Sep 17 17:23:09 UTC 2012
Bill Campbell <centos at celestial.com>

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012, Shiv. Nath wrote:
>On 9/17/12 11:45 AM, jiten jha wrote:
>> Dear Friends,
>> I have postfix mail server   When I try to install amavisd-new, clamAV,
>> SpamAssassin follow this link "http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Amavisd".
>> I have done all the configuration after that when I restart clamav
>> So It is giving my this error message
>> Stopping Clam AntiVirus Daemon:                            [FAILED]
>> Starting Clam AntiVirus Daemon: LibClamAV Error: cl_cvdhead: Can't read CVD
>> header in /var/clamav/daily.cld
>> LibClamAV Error: cli_loaddbdir(): error parsing header of
>> /var/clamav/daily.cld
>> ERROR: Malformed database
>This is not critical error, it simply means that database of clamav that 
>contains definition information has corrupted. there are more than one 
>way to fix it.
>1.) yum remove clam clamav-db* followed by yum install clamav-db
>2.) find & move the following files to temp location run freshclam.
>daily.cvd main.cld, mirrors.dat

One should run 'freshclam' periodically to update the clamav

INTERNET:   bill at celestial.com  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
URL: http://www.celestial.com/  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
Voice:          (206) 236-1676  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820
Fax:            (206) 232-9186  Skype: jwccsllc (206) 855-5792

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