[CentOS] Help with thread Centos 6.4 won't reboot on install

Mon Apr 1 22:20:14 UTC 2013
Robert Benjamin <benjie1 at cox.net>

On 4/1/2013 2:07 PM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Robert Benjamin wrote:
>> On 3/31/2013 12:06 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
>>> On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 4:00 AM, Robert Benjamin <benjie1 at cox.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>>        WELL, I don't know what to say. I just put the HD in the PC
>>>> turned
>>>> it on and was waiting for the blue screen so I could login as root and
>>>> type 'init 3'. BUT, guess what happened. A tiny clock appeared at the
>>>> top left followed by a log in screen and here I am. Happened very
>>>> quickly. A few seconds. Now, do I dare log out and try to get back or
>>>> just wait for a reply from you. Yesterday I never did init 3 either.
>>>> Maybe it is the Easter Bunny. I don't know. I'm a bit apprehensive
>>>> about
>>>> shutting off and trying again. What's your opinion?
>>> That's the way it is supposed to work, and since no one recognized the
>>> previous symptoms my best guess is that it was some sort of hardware
>>> issue.  Maybe swapping the drive left a bad connection to the disk or
>>> network.
>>> --
>>>     Les Mikesell
>>>        lesmikesell at gmail.com
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>>       Looking for the book you recommended by Fraesch: Essential Systems
>> Administration. Tried a local Barnes and Noble store and the author's
>> name is different. They have it as Frisk, same title. Third Edition.
>> Hope it's the same book. Can you double check please. I assume this is
>> at a level I can deal with. Thanks.
> They can't spell. On the cover is a non-ascii char, that when I was a kid
> in school, was the way some books spell Caesar, with the "a" and the "e"
> sharing a line.
> <http://www.amazon.com/Essential-System-Administration-Third-Frisch/dp/0596003439>
> As I may have said, everyone I know in computers has a number of books
> from this publisher - he specializes in not only finding people who
> really, really know their subject, but CAN ALSO COMMUNICATE WHAT THEY KNOW
> (as opposed to, say, the BAL textbook I had in college, many years ago,
> that if I could have gotten the rights to, I'd put all the pharmaceutical
> co's market for sleeping pills out of business....)
>          mark
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     Thanks. I'll browse the bookstore for books from O'Reilly Publisher 
and see what appeals to me. Texts can be boring as I well know as an 
Assoc Prof, retired, and many are sooo borrrring it is a shame. Anyhow, 
will look and I'm sure I'll find somethig suitable.
