[CentOS] Vsftpd configuration problem - followup

Mon Apr 1 23:36:44 UTC 2013
Max Pyziur <pyz at brama.com>

On Tue, 2 Apr 2013, Reindl Harald wrote:

> Am 02.04.2013 01:12, schrieb Max Pyziur:
>> Beginning today, I started to receive the following when ftp'ing to my
>> CentOS 6 machine:
>> ncftp /home/pyz2 > dir
>> connect failed: No route to host.
>> connect failed: No route to host.
>> connect failed: No route to host.
>> Falling back to PORT instead of PASV mode.
>> I can make a connection, but I can't get a directory listing or transfer
>> data/files
>> My firewall setting has port 21 open
>> I can remotely telnet to hostname 21
> and you understood that ftp needs also a data-channel
> and not only the control-connection?
> http://slacksite.com/other/ftp.html

When ftping to the machine, the following is reported from an lsof -i:
  ~> lsof -i | grep ftp
vsftpd    18051     root    3u  IPv4 47313973      0t0  TCP *:ftp (LISTEN)
vsftpd    18448   nobody    0u  IPv4 47318710      0t0  TCP 
vsftpd    18448   nobody    1u  IPv4 47318710      0t0  TCP 
vsftpd    18448   nobody    2u  IPv4 47318710      0t0  TCP 
vsftpd    18465     pyz2    0u  IPv4 47318710      0t0  TCP 
vsftpd    18465     pyz2    1u  IPv4 47318710      0t0  TCP 
vsftpd    18465     pyz2    2u  IPv4 47318710      0t0  TCP 


pyz at brama.com