James B. Byrne wrote: > > On Tue, April 9, 2013 13:46, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote: >> Fred Smith wrote: >>> On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 12:21:10PM -0400, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote: >>>> Frank Cox wrote: >>>> > On Tue, 9 Apr 2013 10:19:33 -0400 >>>> > m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote: >>>> > >>>> >> Hmmm... didn't see it mounted, but I'll try more tonight. Last >>>> >> night included a) playing with system, and b) finishing up our federal >>>> >> taxes.... >> <snip> >>>> I also can't seem to find the USB 3.5" drive I borrowed - lsusb >>>> sees it (at least since the last reboot), but trying to find it to mount it >>>> is something I'm still digging at, and I doubt mtools can find it. <snip> >> Even if there's nothing about floppies in /etc/fstab? Or is that >> something I need to configure for autofs? >>> > Just to obtain some empirical data I have connected a usb 3.5 FDD unit > to my CentOS-6.4 workstation and inserted a previously unused 3.5 > HDFD. The Nautilus system automatically opened a window on my desktop > and I was able to copy and removed files from the diskette without any > difficulty. > <interesting data snipped> I need to look at this more closely, which I'll do this evening. Last night, I didn't get to touch it - got one state and one commonwealth worth of taxes to finish, and then there was the document that I had to get to my (contracting co) manager, whose formatting was screwed up in libreoffice, and I *had* to use my work laptop and M$ Office, and Word.... <rant> I thought 07, was it? was Not Good; this is absolute and UTTER CRAP. For example, I want some bullet points, and if a sentence is longer than one line, I want the second and any other lines indented from the start of the bullet. Couldn't do it. Wouldn't let me. And trying to copy from an editable field, and it only giving me the whole section, not just what I was highlighting.... And on, and on.... In conclusion, Office 2010, esp. on a laptop, makes me want to beat the laptop on fireplug until it's rubble, and then head on across the country to Redmond, picking up a machine gun and grenades on the way..... </rant> Sorry, way off topic.... mark